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SSD Data Story

Each semester SSD invites all connected students to participate in an end of semester survey. In 2022 SSD evaluated its mission, goals, and outcomes. The feedback provided by SSD students assisted with this process. Students provided feedback on such areas as accommodations, campus involvement, where information is received about SSD’s services, and supports used. As part of the evaluation process of the mission, goals, and outcomes, SSD surveyed the instructors of Virginia Tech to learn more about their thoughts on implementation of accommodations, accessible technology, and how they support students. SSD has created a data story to share an overview of what was learned from both surveys. 

Our Students

(disability types by percentage)

Students connected with SSD in the 2021-2022 academic year represent many types of disability. 37% of connected students had a disability related to attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder. 27% of connected students had a disability related to mental health. 15% of connected students had a medical disability. 7% of connected students had a learning disability. 3% of connected students had a disability related to autism spectrum disorder. 1% of connected students had physical disability. 1% of connected students had a visual related.

Representation Matters

Students replying to SSD's 2021-2022 academic year survey reported being involved in a variety of campus activities outside of the classroom. 56.8% of replying students were involved in clubs or other organizations. 18.9% of replying students were involved in a fraternity or sorority. 14.2% of replying students held a job. 5.4% of replying students were involved in research. 3.4% of replying students were involved in athletics. 1.3% of replying students were involved in volunteering.

Student Access

90% of students replying to SSD's 2021-2022 academic year survey reported having an accessible education and 77% of students reported increased skills to address disability management with SSD.

Most frequently reported supports

  • Note taking assistance
  • Text to speech
  • Screen reader
  • Captioning
  • Transcripts
  • Academic Coaching Nook

Instructor Survey Report 2022

Executive Summary

Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) distributed this survey during spring 2022 to teaching instructors. The goal of the survey was to gather instructor experiences with providing accommodations and collaborating with SSD. SSD used this data to evaluate our current mission, goals, and outcomes, extend testing center service hours, update our accommodations delivery process, create plans for longterm engagement, and collaborate with instructors across the colleges. This was the initial iteration of the survey. The survey will be distributed every three years to continue evaluation of services for SSD.

The survey was designed based on Wake Forest University’s Learning Assistance Center and Disability Services survey utilized for outreach of instructors and to inform services. All instructors for Virginia Tech were invited to participate in the survey including graduate teaching assistants through Campus Notices, Canvas announcements, and emails. The survey consisted of 45 questions. 276 instructors, which is a 7% response rate for Fall 2022 instructors, participated from 8 Colleges.

Eight colleges had instructors respond to the survey. College of Science had the most, with nearly 80 respondents, followed by College of Engineering, College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences, College of Agriculture and Science, Pamplin College of Business, College of Architecture and Urban Studies, College of Natural Resources and Environment, and Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine.

Graph above shows number of respondents from each college.

Graduate teaching assistants represented 46% of respondents. Non-tenure track instructors represented 33% of respondents. Tenure track instructors represented 21% of respondents.

Results Summary

Overall, instructors reported a strong commitment to accessibility in their learning spaces. 98% of instructors view reasonable accommodations as a successful tool in removing disabilityrelated barriers. Even more, instructors welcome opportunities to collaborate outside of a specific student’s accommodation requests. Instructors provided helpful insight into implementation of accommodations by subject area and around implementing testing accommodations throughout campus.

Most instructors, 68%, request students share their letters in the beginning of the semester and see the most benefit/ease of implementation.

Instructors requested additional resources around specific accommodations. The reasonableness of deadline extensions on out of class assignments varied by course type and format. Across each college, instructors shared questions around implementing assessment accommodations. Specifically for accommodation implementation based on instructor responses, SSD is coordinating resources around distraction environment, assistive technology, accessibility of lecture materials such as slides, and when deadline extensions are a reasonable request.

68% of responding instructors request that students to share accommodation letters at the start of the semester and 98% of responding instructors viewed accommodations as a way to remove barriers.

Action Plan

SSD has implemented changes to improve current services and operations. The feedback provided by instructors has been used to update the current mission, goals, and learning outcomes of SSD.

SSD has extended the hours of the Werth Testing Center to provide flexibility to students and instructors.

The language for accommodations has been evaluated and updated to provide clarity for implementation.

SSD has transitioned to AIM (Accessible Information Management) and will change accommodation letter delivery. In Fall 2023, students will indicate accommodations they will use in each course. The letters will be delivered electronically to each instructor and allow for direct communication with SSD about specific requests.

Download this 2022 Instructor Survey Report in pdf format.